Thursday, December 5, 2013

Communication and Working as a Team

The hardest group that I had to leave was back in elementary school.
We were all moving on to a new school after being in the same class
together for 2 years. We had all matured into a little family and
knew that a big change was coming. We all had strong bonds with each
other, and often worked on various projects throughout the year
together. Each of us has different relationships within the group and
felt comfortable with every member of the 5 girl click that we had
formed. It was very difficult to leave the group when the school year
ended, knowing it was never going to be the same. We all had certain
roles we played within the group, such as mine was keeping the
notebook that we all shared. It was difficult to leave the group
because we were very close. We spent a great deal of time together
throughout the school day, and were to the point where we were
finishing each other’s sentences. Having such a strong bond, we had a
clear understanding of what each member did to participate and what
they brought to the group. Each one of us had a different personality
and we worked well together.
The closing ritual was nothing major, we all hugged good bye and said
we would be in touch, unsure if it was true. We tried to maintain
contact over the summer but quickly get involved with activities or
family vacations and lost touch. It may have been better to try to
utilize a different closing ritual such as exchanging addresses and
writing letters.
Adjourning with the group of colleagues that I have formed while
working on my master’s degree will be different then in real life.
Being that everything is online; the best method may be to simply send
congratulatory messages or emails. Everyone has worked hard to reach
this stage in the program and should be proud of what not only they
have done but their colleagues as well. Being part of the group, we
must send our appreciation to those who have helped us along the way.
Adjourning is an essential stage of team work because it allows
closure. Everyone is aware that they have successfully completed the
task that they had set out to do. They were able to work together as
a team on a project and be triumphed. Without adjourning, some may
feel incomplete or lost.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Conflict Resolution

One conflict, although small, was with my colleague about the room set up.  We could not agree on where to place certain items in the classroom.  It was as though she was against change and wanted to leave everything as it was the year before.  I tried to explain to her the room didn’t flow right and it seemed crowded.  She would hear nothing of it and went about placing the furniture in the same spot as before.  I asked her again about moving things around, even offering to do it myself if she did not want to.  She said she was fine and saw no reason to change anything.

One strategy that could work in this situation would be compromise.  If we agreed on where to place certain items and leave others, we would both be happy in the situation.  We eventually agreed to get rid of a large writing desk and leave other items as they were.  We were both happy and were able to come to an agreement about the room layout.

The second strategy that may have worked would be to use a negotiation.  If I was able to move a few things around, we would leave the items she felt worked the best where they were.  It may also be been helpful to bring in an outside person to give us their opinion to help resolve the issue.  In the end, the problem was solved and both of us ended up happy with the set up.

I asked my supervisor about how they learned to be a more effective communication when it is related to conflict resolution.  Their response was to listen fully to the other person and even repeat small portions of what they said.  Once the issue is understood, they like to ask the other person how they would like to see the problem resolved.  They discuss the solution and work on a compromise to ensure that everyone is happy.  The method seems as though it works because everyone in my building is happy and never argues or disagrees with any changes that occur.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Wk 4 Communication

The one thing that surprised me the most from the assessments was the verbally aggressive test.  I was shocked to find out how I was rated and that my fiancé agreed with me.  I was not aware of how I handled different situations such as home and work.  My coworker had no problem with the way I handled situations leading me believe that I handle the situations completely different according to where I am.

One insight that I gained this week is how my approach can be taken as aggressive.  Now that I am more aware, I am able to make a concise effort on how to improve.

The second insight that I gained is in regards to undue influence.  I had never heard that term before and was unaware of how it can present.  I notice how this happens often and can affect relationships people have.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Wk 3 Communication

•Do you find yourself communicating differently with people from different groups and cultures?

I grew up in a very diverse community with people from all over the country.  I felt very comfortable within my town and school setting, never having a problem adjusting or fitting in even though I was not the same religion or culture.  From my childhood experiences, I feel as though I am very comfortable communicating with people from different groups and cultures.  It was an everyday occurrence for me growing up and has helped mold me into the person that I am.

Based on what you have learned this week, share at least three strategies you could use to help you communicate more effectively with the people or groups you have identified.

One strategy that I could use would be to look up about the different cultures I come in contact with the most.  I want to ensure that something small like eye contact is not offensive and will upset them.

Another strategy that I could utilize is repeating a small portion of what they say back to them.  By doing this, I will know if what I heard was correct and how to respond accordingly. 

The final strategy that I could use is to make sure there are no distractions when I am talking with anyone.  I hate when I am talking with someone and they take out their phone and begin texting or looking something up.  I would not want to do that to anyone, especially in a work place setting.  In order for that to be possible, I will put away any distractions such as a phone to make sure the speaker has my full attention.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Communication Wk 2

I chose to watch the show Sleepy Hollow.  I don’t like a lot of horror based movies or shows but had been hearing good things about it and decided to use this opportunity to watch it.  I first watched it with the sound off, confused by what was happening.  The two main characters seemed to be puzzled and confused a lot according to their facial expressions.  It seemed as though they were trying to solve a problem that involved another character who the one had compassion and feelings for.  After turning the sound on, I found my assumptions about the facial expressions to be right.  The two girl characters were trying to save the male figure by solving an old puzzle.  The one female character, I believe her name was Abigail, had strong feelings about the male character but only in a friendship big brother sort of way.  My assumptions were pretty accurate based on what the faces of the characters portrayed.  Had it been a less popular show or one that had just started, the concept and assumptions that I had would had been way off.  I found the nonverbal cues the characters were using such as body language and facial expressions to help tell the plot very easily.  Every seemed to be written on their faces.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Communication Wk 1

My fiancé has amazing communication skills.  He always is able to relay his message, talk with anyone, and find ways to keep a conversation going.  He demonstrates good communication skills by listening and repeating others.  He has a way of listening and showing that he is interested that makes everyone feel as though what they say is important.  Whenever we are discussing something important, he always puts things down and faces me.  I know he is listening to me and considering my feelings before he responds.  This helps make our conversations more effective, not allowing for any problems or misunderstandings to arise.   

I try to model my own communication skills after him.  He is very effective when he talks with others in his work place as well.  His boss’ love him as well as his customers.  He is able to get everything done accurately and tends to not have any disagreements with anyone.  My fiancé has shown me different ways to talk with people and how some of my actions can be misinterpreted.  I am more aware of my body language as well as how I approach a disagreement.  I try to avoid point blame and using the you statement whenever we are discussing something because that automatically puts someone up on defense mode. 

Friday, October 25, 2013

Professional Hopes and Goals

•One hope that you have when you think about working with children and families who come from diverse backgrounds (any format and any length)

One hope that I have about working with children and families who come from diverse backgrounds is that I can meet their needs.  I hope that I will be able to make them as comfortable as possible to ensure that they have the best experience while their child is in my classroom and never feel left out because of their background.

•One goal you would like to set for the early childhood field related to issues of diversity, equity, and social justice (any format and any length)

One goal that I would like to set for the early childhood field related to issues of diversity, equity, and social justice is that every child will be treated equally regardless of their background.  Everyone is entitled to their education and has the ability to learn.  It is our goal as educators to help them any way possible.            

I would like to take this opportunity to thank my colleagues who took the time to read my blogs and comment.  We sometimes learn best when I see our own perspectives through someone else’s eyes.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Welcoming Families Around the World

•The name of “your” family’s country of origin

The country that I chose is Korea since I do not know a great deal about it.

•At least five ways in which you will prepare yourself to be culturally responsive towards this family

1.       Find out any traditions or habits the culture has to ensure that I do not offend them.  If they do not make eye contact, I will make sure I follow their country’s traditions.

2.       Include various stories in the classroom library about the Korean culture and one’s that were written by people from there.

3.       Place a world map up in the classroom with emphasis on the countries of where the children are from.  Include pictures of the country along with brief information about what is shown.

4.       Research the country and become familiar with their holidays to incorporate them into lessons about diversity and culture.

5.       Find ways to invite the parent’s into the classroom and discuss their home lives.

6.       Learn key phrases such as wash your hands and do you need to use the bathroom in their native language to help them understand and feel comfortable.

•A brief statement describing in what ways you hope that these preparations will benefit both you and the family

In preparing for the family, I hope that the steps listed above will help make the family more comfortable in the new setting.  The child will walk in and see that they are respected as well as their heritage in school and should not be ashamed or embarrassed.  The family will feel more at ease knowing the steps were taken to ensure that both them and their child understood what was occurring and that someone cared enough to research their home land.  Hopefully the family would be willing to work with me and come in to share some of their traditions with the other students once they felt more comfortable speaking English.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

The Personal Side of Bias,Prejudice, and Oppression

•What memory do you have of an incident when you experienced bias, prejudice, and/or oppression, or witnessed someone else as the target of bias, prejudice, and/or oppression? Keep in mind that one can encounter such incidents in real contexts, including online environments, as well as in fictional ones, such as movies, books, television shows, and the like.

One incident that happened  where I witnessed people being bias towards someone of a different religion happens almost on a daily basis on a forum that I frequent about the current events occurring in my town.  Many people in the town are Orthodox Jews and have very strict and firm religious beliefs.  When they post references on the site about the town, many people, often those who are not from here will say remarks about their religion and how the town has been overcome.  The people have to constantly stand up for their religion and defend their right to live in the town as much as anyone else.  It truly is sad to see how one group of people is constantly being talked about in a negative manner.

•In what way(s) did the specific bias, prejudice and/or oppression in that incident diminish equity?

The bias about the group diminishes equity by not allowing the town to come together as one and bond.  They stay with their own group of people due to the hateful words they hear and sometimes even the hate crimes that occur.  They feel safer being amongst their own and know they will not hear those words when they stay together.

•What feelings did this incident bring up for you?

The incident brings a mixture of feelings.  I feel sorry for both the Orthodox Jewish people as well as the one’s making the hurtful crimes.  The Orthodox Jews are trying to feel comfortable and practice their freedom of speech and are being treated poorly as a result.  The one’s committing the hate crimes are unaware of what feelings they are causing amongst the other group as well as allowing their own judgment cloud their thinking about others.  I also feel sad that a town cannot work together as a whole for the sake of the children who are hearing and witnessing all the hurtful words being thrown around.

•What and/or who would have to change in order to turn this incident into an opportunity for greater equity?

The biggest thing that would have to change is the people who are saying the hurtful words.  They need to be more aware of what they are saying and doing.  The best thing for them to do is to place themselves in the others shoes and see how they would like to be treated.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Practicing Awareness of Microaggression

•Describe at least one example of a microaggression which you detected this week or remember from another time. In what context did the microaggression happen? What did you think and feel when you observed the microaggression or when you found yourself as the target of a microaggression? The microagression that I remember from another time is microassaults. It happened while I was in high school and different individuals were walking through the halls yelling out racial slurs towards a group of people who were in their way. When I observed this happening, I was uncomfortable and wanted to get away from the situation. It was completely inappropriate and uncalled for. The individuals, who were being called names, were very upset and were unsure of what to do or where to go. •In what ways did your observation experiences this week affect your perception of the effects of discrimination, prejudice, and/or stereotypes on people. People are placed into stereotypes regardless of what they look like, what race they are, and what religion they are. My observations have led me to see that people can be cruel towards others who they know nothing about. Rather then get to know someone, they are quick to pass judgment and follow along with what they hear about different groups of people.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Perspectives on Diversity and Culture

•Call, write to, or talk to at least three friends, family members, acquaintances, and/or colleagues. Include at least one person who you believe is in some ways culturally different from you (a different gender, race, class, religion, abilities, age, etc.). Maria – Culture is the background that people have and share with their family. It is what they are a part of. For example if they are Puerto Rican like me, we have specific ways we celebrate holidays with our family that are different from people of other cultures. Diversity is when people of different backgrounds and culture come together and unite as one. Jon – Culture is where people are from and what traditions or holidays they bring with them. They are celebrated within a family setting. Diversity is when others can accept people who are different from them. They can look past their differences and still find things in common. Janice – To me, culture is what we celebrate and what we are a part of. Diversity is when we come together as a society and look past our different backgrounds to celebrate our lives together as one whole community. •Which aspects of culture and diversity that I have studied in this course are included in the answers I received—and what are some examples? Culture and diversity have different definitions no matter how many people are asked and what their race, religion, or genders are. One aspect of culture and diversity that I received in the answers and is similar to what I studied, is that everyone is different. Culture and diversity are something we must accept as a community and find ways to work together to make them function as a whole. The definitions I received from my colleagues briefly described that along with the fact that culture is something that is encompassed through family and traditions. •Which aspects have been omitted—and what are some examples of such omission? I didn’t find anything to be omitted. Everyone had a similar definition or meaning behind the terms culture and diversity. It all revolved around acceptance and finding ways to make it work with everyone regardless of their background. •In what ways has thinking about other people’s definitions of culture and diversity influenced my own thinking about these topics? Upon listening to others definitions of culture and diversity, I have taken the time to review my own definitions and see how they fit. I agree with what everyone said and the definitions they gave me. It allowed me to see the words from others perspectives and get a deeper understanding on the topic.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

My Family Culture

•A description of the three items you would choose The three items I would choose are: Italian Horn necklace: The necklace was passed down to me and means a great deal to my family. It is an Italian heirloom and represents a good luck charm. Ireland’s flag: I am very proud of my Irish background and would want to show others my background. American Flag: The symbol of my home country and where I grew up. I am very honored to be American and would want to display the colors to allow others to see where I am from. •How you would explain to others what each of these items means to you I would have to explain each item individual in order for others to fully understand why each other is important. Together, all three items represent who I am as a person as well as my background. It would also explain my family’s traditions and why we are proud of the flags I carry. The necklace would be explained as something that not only is from my Italian roots but also from my father who is no longer with my family. I am proud of the necklace and would be devastated if I had to leave it behind. The flags represent who I am and demonstrate what my heritage is, something that I would never forget or leave behind. •Your feelings if, upon arrival, you were told that you could only keep one personal item and have to give up the other two items you brought with you I would be completely devastated and would be unable to part with any item. Each one describes who I am and where I am from. The most important item would be the necklace and I would find a way to hold on to it for as long as possible. •Any insights you gained about yourself, your family culture, diversity, and/or cultural differences in general, as a result of this exercise, One insight that I gained about myself and my family culture is how proud we are of our background. I never noticed how much heritage we included in our daily lives. I hang Ireland’s flag in my bedroom without even thinking about any other aspect of it other than that’s where my ancestors are from. The Italian horn necklace is my proudest heirloom and never thought about how much it truly means to me until now.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

When I think of Research

•What insights have you gained about research from taking this course? Research is an important part of further developing the early childcare field. One insight that I gained about research from taking this course is by understanding how to conduct research stimulation an issue that is important to me as professional in the field. I now have a clear understanding of how to not only conduct the stimulation but also how to present the material in the highest way possible to ensure the accuracy of the findings. •In what ways have your ideas about the nature of doing research changed? My ideas about the nature of doing research have changed by now having a deeper understanding of how they work. I now see how important research truly is for the field of early childcare education. I will also look at the material that I find with an open mind and truly to ensure that there is no research bias presentation. •What lessons about planning, designing, and conducting research in early childhood did you learn? I have learned how to properly develop a research topic and plan it accordingly. With the new information, I feel more confident in my ability to develop a research topic and follow the appropriate steps. I am also about to design a research study using various techniques such as quantitative and qualitative. The research is important in further the field and conducting the research will show various new techniques to help future students and children. •What were some of the challenges you encountered—and in what ways did you meet them? Some of the challenges that I encountered was developing a strong research question. I had a lot of trouble developing exactly what I wanted to find and how to properly explain that through the form of a question. It took a great deal of time and analyzing of the purpose of what I was trying to do in order for me to meet that challenge and properly manage it. I feel strong about my research question now and would love the opportunity to find the answer to the question of parent involvement and the affects it has on young children’s education. •What are some of the ways your perceptions of an early childhood professional have been modified as a result of this course? One way in which my perception of an early childhood professional has been modified as a result of this course, is my understanding of research and the importance it has on the field. Upon completion of this course, I now have a firm background and understanding of how exactly the research benefits the young children. Another way in which my perception of an early childhood professional has been modified is through the use of various research methods. Before the course, I thought there was only one way in which to perform a research study. I now have a sense of different methods and have a clear view of how each method adds to the research itself. The various methods provide an opportunity to observe the research from various standpoints.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Research Around the World

•What are some of the current international research topics? The website that I explored was One of the most current international research topics is transitioning and how to make children feel confident and secure within the classroom. This topic is important regardless of whatever country the students are from. Children may have a difficult time transitioning from a new grade to the next or switching schools. If the topic is shared and teachers and parents can gain insight on various techniques on how to help their children feel secure within their environment, the transition will be smooth helping them feel comfortable quickly. •What surprising facts/insights/new ideas about early childhood did you gain from exploring this international early childhood website? One new insight that I gained from exploring the international early childhood website is assessment and how helpful it can be towards children’s education. The site offers facts about how assessments are stepping stones towards understanding where children may need additional help or are succeeding in their education. Although as teachers we know how essential assessment is, I never thought of it as a stepping stone. Now I can almost picture students taking leaps in their education once they successful complete an assessment and the progress is evident. •What other noteworthy information did you find on this website? Noteworthy information that I found on the website is the important detail about funding for early childhood education. Other countries also find it essential to provide additional money for helping children develop early in their education. Foreign countries are beginning to focus on the early years for children and see the importance of funding the education. This allows children all over the world to get the start to their education that they all deserve.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Research that Benefits Children and Families

One area in the early childhood field that I would like to study further is the benefits of children learning two languages at an early age.  Since all of my students enter the school speaking Spanish, it is crucial to help them learn the English language.  By the end of the year, they leave speaking a great deal of English, allowing them to hold whole conversations.  I will like to conduct research on how the dual language ability affects the children later on in life.  Were they more successful than those who only speak one? Were they able to help their families more because they spoke both languages?  Some might feel that we already know the answers to those questions.  I would like to stay with the same family and do research over the years to see what differences occur between a child speaking two languages versus the other speaking only one.
I can see there being positive contributions to the field by this research.  A key component might be how more advanced the children’s thinking and problem solving ability may be from having to switch the language in their brain back and forth between the two.  They might be more qualified at jobs and have no trouble being accepted into college because they possess the dual language ability.  The children might also be able to help their family better understand ways to better themselves such as how to defend their rights and attend better school systems.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Personal Research Simulation

The topic that I chose for the simulation parent involvement and the impact it has on their child’s education.  I have a great deal of experience with this topic and that has sparked my interest in researching it further.  I am a teacher in a Head Start program and have about 95% of my students speaking only Spanish when they enter my classroom.  Their parent’s speak no English at all making it difficult to communicate.  They often drop their children off and run right back out the door. None of them take the time to ask questions about what their learning or even to read a book.  I would like to find concrete evidence to provide to them how their presence in the classroom, even for a short time, can alter their child’s learning experience. 
Upon completing the research chart, I now have a better understanding of terminology that I did not know before such as triangulation. Based on the word, I had a basic comprehension that it dealt with three of something but that is about it.  The chart is a handy tool to keep on hand and perhaps even add to the vocabulary aspect of it further. 
Has anyone else have a similar experience in regard to parent involvement or have had it in the past and can offer some suggestions on how to get them more involved?  I would like for them to understand how important it is without stressing them out if they feel they truly cannot spend a little bit of time.
One resource that I have found incredibly helpful with the field of early childhood education in general is  The site is current and follows the guidelines set in the assigned reading.  I find myself returning to the site to check for new information and journal articles.  It is a very useful resource to keep close by.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Final Blog Assignment

One of the biggest consequences of learning about the international early childhood field for my professional development is reading about the struggles other countries are having.  I was not aware of how big of an issue early childhood education truly was.  Upon visiting websites and watching podcasts, it was clear that we are not the only country who struggles with education.  It was clear that people were aware of how important it is for children and their development but many are not willing to devote government funding to the programs.
Another consequence is more towards my personal development.  It is very upsetting to read about the foreign countries who do not offer free education to their children.  Many are forced to either not attend school or leave at a young age because they have to work.  More needs to be done to help the families who cannot afford for their children to attend preschool or daycare programs.  They are hurting their development.
The final consequence in learning about the international early childhood field for my professional development understands what other countries are going through.  It is clear why so many families are coming to our country to help their children.  Every child in my class is from another country and it is now clear why.  Although our education system may not be perfect, it seems to be slightly better than most foreign countries.
One goal for the field related to international awareness of issues and trends is to inform others of the struggles in other countries.  We must come together as professionals and explain to others how important early childhood education truly is.  Without it, the children are not getting the head start on their education that they truly need, especially those coming from foreign countries and not speaking English. 

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Getting to Know International Contacts Part 3

The first insight that I learned from the site (, deals with the availability to early childhood education.  Similiar to that of the United States, other countries give more opportunities for high quality programs to children who come fromnwealthy families.  The low income families receive little attention from the government and assitance for their children to attend public schools and early childhood education programs.

The second insight that I gained from the site is that many want to lower the age for children to enter preschool.  Others are fighting it stating that they only want to prepare children earlier for formal schooling.

My final insight is in terms of coordinatino.  Both the national and local governments must work together to work out a plan for children and early childcare.  It must also be worked out between public and private centers.  Everyone must work together to ensure that the children are receiving the highest quality education possible and the money is being distributed evenly.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Sharing Web Resources - Wk 6

  • Follow some of the outside links that you have not yet explored. Where do they lead?
  • One of the outside links that I explored lead me to a site that informed me about the latest policies regarding children from ages zero to three.  It allowed me to see who was on the policy board along with their credentials.  I was able to see what changes had been made and how it will impact the children.

  • Thoroughly search one area of the site. What do you find?
  • I searched through the journal articles the site provides.  I was able to break down the sections and only focus on the area of play and this specific age group.  I found a page in which concerned parents can post questions about their children and a professional from the site will answer them the best they can.  It was very informative to see the different responses and questions that were posed.

  • If you receive an e-newsletter, follow a link related to one of the issues you have been studying. What new information is available?
  • Unfortunately I have no received an e-newsletter from this site.  I am hoping to do so soon.

    Does the website or the e-newsletter contain any information that adds to your understanding of equity and excellence in early care and education?
    One aspect of equity in early child care and education that was mentioned was how to help a parent select the proper program for their child.  The site offers questions for the parents to think about when looking at programs such as the experience and training of the staff.  This information is very helpful for first time parents putting their children in a day care or preschool setting.  The article can be found at the link  I think everyone should check it out.

    What other new insights about issues and trends in the early childhood field did you gain this week from exploring the website and/or the e-newsletter?
    Another trend that I explored this week was regarding school readiness and signs to look for.  The site composed a brief article for parents to look at and identify key factors to look for in their children who will be starting kindergarten.  This is important especially this time of year when the school terms are ending and children will be moving on to another class.  It will help both the parents and children develop over the summer and understand what is coming up for them within the next school year.

    Tuesday, June 4, 2013

    Wk 5 Blog Assgn.

    Three insights that I have gained from the site are:

    The organization Global Children’s Initiative is launching Nucleo Ciencia Pela Infancia in Brazil to help raise the level of education for young children.  Some of the activities they will engage in is translating material for the Brazilian audience as well as strengthening leadership roles around the field of early childhood development.

    In Chile there is a program, Un Buen Comienzo or A Good Start in English that was developed to help improve early childhood education through teacher professional development.  They want to make the quality of education that is being presented to four-six year olds better, especially in the language development.  This will also help to improve school attendance.  It will help to involve the families more in their children’s education as well.

    A humanitarian named Betancourt is currently helping families in Rwanda gain a better understanding of HIV.  Most parents see it as a death sentence and do not understand that they can live a long life with the disease.  Their children are developing fears as well due to their parent’s misunderstanding. 

    Thursday, May 30, 2013

    Sharing Web Resources

    •What specific section(s) or information seemed particularly relevant to your current professional development?

    The one section on the site that was particularly relevant to my current professional development was the article about how to determine if children are school ready.  Many of my students will be entering kindergarten next year.  It is important for me as their teacher to ensure that they have the necessary skills and abilities to enter without having any difficulty.  The article also gives key tips for the parents to help them feel comfortable sending them to school and what signs to look for if they may develop trouble.

     •Which ideas/statements/resources, either on the website or in an e-newsletter, did you find controversial or made you think about an issue in new ways?

    One idea that was on the site that made me think about the issue in a new way dealt with trauma.  I understand that many children go through some sort of trauma, many on a daily basis due to their lifestyle.  I never understood or realized how much it impacted them later on in life.  The journal article explained how the experiences they have now can ultimately affect them later in life.  They may not show signs of anything now, but it may develop once they reach adult hood.  Although children may seem to recover fine from something, we never know if it will bother them once they reach a certain age.

     •What information does the website or the e-newsletter contain that adds to your understanding of how economists, neuroscientists, or politicians support the early childhood field?

    The website offers various links and resources that helped me understand how economists support the early childhood field.  It offers articles in regards to the public policy and how education will be impacted due to the most recent budget cuts.  It explains how the president has given additional money for 2014 to the Early Head Start programs because each child needs the extra help when it comes to education.
     •What other new insights about issues and trends in the early childhood field did you gain from exploring the website or e-newsletter?

    One trend that I gained from exploring through the website is about military families.  The website offers various suggestions and resources for military families to explore.  They offer book suggestions to help young children understand why a parent may not be home for a long time as well as various activities to do with them.  It is a very useful tool, especially now when many families are dealing with this issue.


    Monday, May 20, 2013

    International Contacts - Week 2

    I chose to research the country Mongolia and its struggle with poverty.  One interesting insights that I gained was reading that it appears the economic system of Mongolia is improving and becoming more stable, little are seeing the benefits.  The gap between the people living there benefiting from the better economy and those who are not is steadily increasing.

    Another insight that I gained is as of 1990 about 96% of the population was illiterate.  Due to significant budget cuts from the national budget, the education programs suffered.  After time, the enrollment rates are beginning to rise and dorms are beginning to open up again.  Children living in poverty have a high dropout rate due to economic reasons.  The buildings and equipment are of poor quality, making the teaching quality to suffer as well.  The children that are fortunate enough to attend school are not getting the education they deserve.

    The final insight that I gained from reading about Mongolia and poverty is many children are forced to never attend or drop out of school and work.  They do jobs such as cutting wood or fetching it for factories or markets.  More and more families are resorting to living in the streets with young children, even with the weather reaching as low as minus 30-40 degrees.

    The country is suffering and as a result so are the children.  Mongolia needs to reexamine their education system and finds appropriate ways where the children that need to work can still have access to some sort of school.  They can offer courses at night or allow them to bring material home with them to work on independently.  It is difficult to be in that situation, especially if the family ends up on the streets in freezing weather.  They have to find ways to come together as one and fight for their education.


    Wednesday, May 15, 2013

    Sharing Web Resources

    The organization that I selected is called zero to three and can be found at the website  The main focus of the organization is to provide parents, teachers, and caregivers or children from the age of birth to three years of age.  They have a special forum created especially for military families as well to help the children better understand where their parents are and sometimes why they have to move so often.  They state directly on their website what their focus and missions are which is to help promote the healthy development of infants and toddlers.

    One particular newsletter from the website that caught my attention was in regards to parents and identifying when their child is ready for school.  This is a main concern for a majority of the parents I interact with in the beginning of the school year because the children are so young.  The letter identifies various ways in which to help get the children ready along with different clues to look for the parents determine if they are or not.  It is a great tool for any parent to read and to help them to help know what to expect when their child leaves for the first time.  The bottom of the article also stresses the importance of sharing the information with any parents that may be struggling with the idea of sending their young child off to preschool.  As they state, “sharing is caring.”

    After reviewing the topic of getting children ready for school, I realized how important it is for parents to take time to explain to their children where they are going and what they will be doing there.  The article stressed the importance of emotions and how the parents have to be prepared for their children to become upset when they go to leave them at school.  Some parents have a hard time letting go, especially when it is their first child.  The website explains steps that can be taken to help avoid the separation anxiety on both the parents and child’s part.  That should be a big help for many families new to not only preschool but also leaving their child in the hands of someone else.


    Thursday, May 9, 2013

    Establishing Professional Contacts

    I began by trying to figure out how I wanted to contact a representative from an international setting.   After carefully looking over everything, I decided that for me the best option would be the alternate assignment for part 1.  Since my internet connection can get a little sketchy at times, I would feel more comfortable knowing I had the option of listening to the professionals on the radio then stressing about responding to emails in a timely manner. 
    For the second part of the assignment I decided to select the Zero to Three  ( ) organization to study.  I had previously stumbled upon their sight and found it to have a multitude of resources for professionals in the early childhood field.  I enjoyed the sight and often found myself referring back to it for the current journal articles.
    Has anyone else found it difficult to select only one site to study?  I feel as though since we are in the field of early childhood, all the sites would benefit us to become familiar with.

    Friday, April 12, 2013

    My Supports

    I have a few factors in my daily environment that are supportive to me.  The biggest support I have is my fiancé.  Without him I would not be able to function on most days.  I have recently begun my own journey with taking control of my health and although he may think I am crazy at times, he stands behind me.  Whenever he notices I am overwhelmed or simply had enough, he reminds of why I am doing it and always says encouraging words to me. 
    Another support is my mother.  Although we may not see eye to eye sometimes, mostly with the wedding planning, she always stands behind me and my decisions.  I know that I can be very difficult to get along with at times and she is the only one that can tell me to calm down without making it worse.
    Having two close support systems have helped me feel comfortable in my day to day life.  I know that I always have someone close who I can approach and talk to whenever I feel upset or like giving up.  Without these supports life would be very challenging.  I feel as though I may give up on many of the things I am so passionate about if it was not for certain people standing behind me.
    If I ever lost my two support systems, I would probably not be able to make it, especially my fiancé.  I have never been as close with anyone as I am him.  I am able to confide in him things that I have never told anyone else.  He knows me better then I know myself and without him I would be lost.
    The challenge that I imagined would be to live in a commynity that does not speak my language or I do not speak theirs at all.  I would want the people I deal with to understand and try to help me get through the task of not being able to communicate with others.  If I had my support systm such as my fiancé, I feel as though I would be able to over come this challenge and issue.  Having him there as y support, I would have many benefits such as someone who would understand what I am going through, make me feel comfortable, and be there for me whenever I need someone.  Without these supports in that situation, I probably would not be able to function and would feel very alone.  Not having anyone around to help, almost isolates people and makes them fall into a depression which I feel is what would happen if I did not have those around me who mattered most.

    Thursday, March 28, 2013

    My Connections to Play

    All throughout my childhood I loved playing with my younger sisters.  We often came up with new games and activities to keep ourselves busy while our parents were working.  I was always in a rush to grow up looking forward to being an adult.  As an adult, I see that I was being silly and had no idea what was in store for me.  The following two quotes are familiar to me and made me smile when I saw them, reminding me of the easier times as a child.

    Stay a child while you can be a child. - STEPHEN SONDHEIM, Into the Woods

    Children's games are hardly games. Children are never more serious than when they play. - MONTAIGNE, Essays

    I always played in my backyard as a child.  We had a giant closed in yard with a swing set, pool, and lots of grass to use as our playground.  The following pictures were items that I was never seen without.  The first one is a shovel to dig up dinosaur fossils, which I was convinced I found at one point.  The second is the container in which I kept whenever I found a cool insect or weird object when I was digging.  The final is what I remember our swing set looking similar too.  It brings back a lot of fond memories.

    Growing up we were always encouraged to play.  We were allowed to play outside with the neighborhood kids and were not looked for till dinner time.  My parents set the downstairs of our house up so that we had a kitchen area as well as our toys all in a central area.  We would be down there for hours on the days when we could not go outside.  The parents in the neighborhood also made sure we had the right equipment to play baseball or soccer games amongst the children on the block.  Everyone was very active and had a great time playing outside.  They all supported our play and encouraged us to go outside and interact.  We were taken to different parks to play larger games of baseball and never thought twice about staying till all hours of the night.

    Play today is very different from when I was a child.  Parent’s are working much more and often have to rely on either people outside of their families to watch their children or technology to keep them occupied.  Children, even the preschool children in my class, are being placed in front of a TV or game system and left alone for hours.  They are not being encouraged to get off the couch and run around outside for some fresh air.  They are no longer creating games or rules like I did while I was a child and are often lacking the imagination to come up with their own methods or strategies when they play a game.  My hope for the young is that they learn to put down the controllers and turn off the TV.  They need the physical activity and the fresh air.  Children need to run around and get out the extra energy that they are building up by staying indoors not doing anything.

    Play always played an important role in my life and it still continues to do so.  I enjoy being active and going out to do things.  The activities in which I partake have changed over the course of the years but they are still similar to those that I enjoyed as a child.  Without play as a young child, I feel that I may not be as active and enjoy interacting with others.  It prepared me for the real world in terms of sharing and listening to other’s ideas before expressing my own opinion.  Those experiences have shaped me into the adult today who still loves to have a good time and run around with the soccer ball at the park.

    Wednesday, March 13, 2013

    Relationship Reflection

    Relatioinships are extremely important to me.  I have always had one pariticular person in my life who I was extremely close to or looked towards for assistance.  I have been with my fiance for 3 years now and will be married next year.  We have been friends for at least 10 years proir to our dating.  Without him, I have no idea how I would make it through my day.  Relationships help us develop and become stronger as an individual.  They also help give us the social interaction that we some times need that others will not be able to provide for us.  Having one particular relationship or partner that is able to calm us when needed or make us happy on a rough day, helps to make each day more enjoyable.
    I have two main people with whom I have positive relationships.  The biggest one would be my fiance who is able to put up with me on my roughest days, regardless it be from stress or something that happened at work.  Another positive relationship is my mother.  She has gone through a lot in her life and it gives me inspiration to keep trying and working hard. Nothing has come easy for her and each day she walks around with a smile on her face just happy to be alive. 

    The relationships I have with my fiance and my mother are completely different.  I feel more comfortable telling him certain things about my finances or about a fellow co worker where as my mother is my confidant and the stuff I cannot tell him I know I can tell her.  My relationship with my fiance is positive because he has helped me grow to be the person I am.  Although we have only been together a short time, we have been in each other's lives for much longer.  We have always been looking out for each other, making sure the other one was making the right decisions in life.  Whenever I get upset about something small, he is quick to bring me back by reminding me of all the good I have in my life.  The support I get from him helps to make our relationship stay strong and give us the confidence that we will be successful in marriage.  The relationship with my mother also has positive factors such as her giving me the comfort of confiding in her information that I normally would have kept to myself.  It helps us have trust and know that the other will not share the secret.  My mother is also very honest with me.  I consider that factor a very big aspect of strengthening our relationship.  Some times the truth hurts but we need to hear it anyway.
    Along with positive factors, there can also be many negatives ones as well.  I have had friends that I have known since kindergarten that we no longer talk.  It is difficult at times but they were not being very supportive or helpful in my current situation.  By them not providing me with the support and guidance that I needed and only focusing on the negative, it hurt our relatoinship signifcantly to the point where we stopped talking.  Being able to tell someone your honest opinion, especially a close friend, is always helpful but when you insist the other person is wrong and never let them figure it out for themselves, there can be quite a bit of problems.  Another challange to developing and maintaining relationships can be something simple as communication.  Without either person willing to pick up the phone and call, the lack of communication can ultimately end a friendship.  Friends should not wait for the other to call.  Often everyone gets wrapped up in their own lives and forgets or too much time passes.  We need to remember to call when were thinking of them and just say Hi.  A little goes a long way.

    A partner is someone who you can depend on in good times and the bad.  Whenever someone quickly throws in the towel, they are not the right person.  A partnership has to be mutual between two people.  If one is putting in all the work, the relationship will never make it to a partnership stage.  In order to be a partnership, two people must be willing to work together and solve any issues, listen to the other person, provide care and compassion when needed, and most important communicate with each other.
    The experiences I have with relationships impact my work as an effective early childhood professionally quite a bit.  By having the strong relationships with my fiance and mother, I feel more confident talking with the families of my students as well as my coworkers.  I enjoy talking with others and listening to what they have to say.  The families that come into my room are more comfortable discussing their problems with me because they know I will listen and not interrupt.  I enjoy what I do and working with the families is another perk.  By having the strong relationships that I do, I am able to strengethn the ones I have within my school by taking time to listen and talk with everyone.  Communication is the most important tool anyone can use.

    Wednesday, February 27, 2013

    Favorite quote about Children

    Below is my favorite quote about children that I have come across throughout my studies. 

    “Children must be taught how to think, not what to think.”
    Margaret Mead

    I find this to be extremely true, especially in today's society.  Often adults are telling children how they should feel about specific situations and not allowing them to think for themselves.  We need to show young children how to think rather then simple telling them what we feel they should.  They need to be able to figure out their emotions and interests on their own.

    Friday, February 15, 2013

    Testing for Intelligence

    Viewing young children as a whole is essential, especially the younger children such as preschool age.  They are too young to be tested with standardized tests such as the school aged children are.  One thing that should be measured among the young child is their physical development.  Observing how the child is developing physically, such as running, grasping pencils or crayons, can be an early detection for something further.  Assessing them this way is more age appropriate then handing them a test and expecting them to understand.  Even tests that are more verbalized to them such as asking them about colors and shapes can be difficult for some.  They may not have any prior exposure and may not understand and may become uncomfortable with the topic.
    In Italy, the children are assessed at the ages 6, 11, and 13.  They are also given another test before entering college.  The test the children are given at these ages are scored and kept together for teachers to review.  The 6 year olds are read the test and the answers help the teachers determine what the student’s level is upon entering school.  The students must again be tested at various ages; the final one is when they enter college.  When students get older, the tests become more standardized and are sent out to be scored.  The teachers are still the ones administering the testing. 
    Assessing young children is very difficult.  The results can vary depending on the setting of the testing and the person administering the tests ability.  In my school, we administer a short test for our students.  We ask them the basics such as the shapes and colors along with letters.  They are also asked to write their name and cut on a straight line.  The test is quick and allows us to see how the students are progressing throughout the year since it is done three different times.  I have noticed throughout my year of doing this, that the students will each test differently depending on what was going on around them.  If children are playing around them, the student who is getting tested will not be paying attention because they want to play.  If the child is in a setting where it is just them and the test giver, they will give it their undivided attention and will look forward to the sticker at the end of the test.  I am not sure if this particular test allows us to see if the students are progressing or not.  I feel that by us observing them during rug time or even play, that we will be able to determine without testing how the students at this particular age group.

    Sunday, January 27, 2013

    Stress and the Effects on Children

                One major stress that continues to become worse all over the world is poverty.  Growing up I was fortunate enough to have two parents who both worked and were able to provide for my siblings and myself.  I did however, have a friend in elementary school who was not as lucky.  She had only her father and brother and they had to move into her grandmother’s home.  Her father worked multiple jobs to make ends meet and often worked over night, not allowing her to spend time with him.  She was a very outgoing young girl and loved coming to school.  I often noticed when it was time to go home; she would become quiet and withdrawn.  She was often upset at school functions such as honor roll assembles or chorus concerts because her father could never attend.  We spent a great deal of time at my house on the weekends.  She was always very thankful to come over and spend time my family and I.  After elementary school, we had different classes and ended up going our separate ways.  I often hear that she now works in a local retail store and still lives with her grandmother.  Her father was able to leave one job after suffering health issues and she is helping to make up for his income.
                A country that immediately comes to mind in regards to a major stressor for children is Afghanistan.  The children over there are being exposed to different aspects of war and are suffering as a result.  Many are developing post traumatic stress disorder from witnessing such events as car and house bombings to violent abuse in their homes.  Some children even have to go into hard labor jobs at a very young age to help supplement the families’ income.  The children are starting to have psychologically disorders, mostly the girls from seeing things that any child should never be around.  One way in which the country is trying to minimize the harm is by creating more opportunities for the children to get educated.  By doing this, the children will have a more promising future, helping them provide for their families at a more suitable job. Unfortunately this task may be very difficult with the challenges that the country is still facing on a daily basis.  Another way in which they are trying to help is by providing preventative healthcare.  This is expensive and many families cannot afford that luxury.  For the sake of the children, hopefully something more can be done to help them live a normal life once more.


    This article does not relate to Afghanistan but I found it to be informative because it deals with childhood and the effects stress has on emotional development.

    Saturday, January 19, 2013

    Nutrition in India

    Nutrition/ malnutrition is a topic of particular interest to me.  I live and work in a town where many of the citizens are at or below poverty level.  They are not able to provide their children with the proper nutrient that are needed for their healthy growth.  Many are overweight because they only have access to fast food because it is cheap and they can get a lot more for their money.  Many rely on their children’s school’s to provide their children with free lunches, which are also not the healthiest despite the countries attempt to make them.  Many children are also going to bed hungry and not sure of when their last meal will be.  I know that I have a few students in my class where they do not have enough money to eat dinner.  Or one particular child lives in a house with multiple families and shares a bedroom with his mother.  Whenever they do have food, the other families eat it before they can.

    One part of the world in which I sought information is India.  This country has many issues regarding low birth weights and both iodine and vitamin A deficiencies.  Many newborns are being born with very low birth weights causing a higher rate of SIDS.  They are also getting PEM or protein energy malnutrition.   Some disorders from PEM are irritability, hair discoloration, and growth failure.  Although the children I work with are not this severely malnutrition, it is still difficult to think about children the age of my students suffering like this.

    The information that I have obtained about India will help me take a greater appreciation for what I have and how fortunate my students are to be in the program I work with.  The mothers are also taken care of in the Early Head Start program, making sure they are getting the proper nutrition to help their unborn child strive.  India needs a program similar to this to help them help end some of the problems such as the low birth weights.  This will affect my future work by having a greater appreciation for what the parents of my students do for them.  Although they may not be feeding them the proper food, it is the best they can do with what little they have.  It makes me open my eyes and want to help the children in India more. 