Wednesday, August 21, 2013

When I think of Research

•What insights have you gained about research from taking this course? Research is an important part of further developing the early childcare field. One insight that I gained about research from taking this course is by understanding how to conduct research stimulation an issue that is important to me as professional in the field. I now have a clear understanding of how to not only conduct the stimulation but also how to present the material in the highest way possible to ensure the accuracy of the findings. •In what ways have your ideas about the nature of doing research changed? My ideas about the nature of doing research have changed by now having a deeper understanding of how they work. I now see how important research truly is for the field of early childcare education. I will also look at the material that I find with an open mind and truly to ensure that there is no research bias presentation. •What lessons about planning, designing, and conducting research in early childhood did you learn? I have learned how to properly develop a research topic and plan it accordingly. With the new information, I feel more confident in my ability to develop a research topic and follow the appropriate steps. I am also about to design a research study using various techniques such as quantitative and qualitative. The research is important in further the field and conducting the research will show various new techniques to help future students and children. •What were some of the challenges you encountered—and in what ways did you meet them? Some of the challenges that I encountered was developing a strong research question. I had a lot of trouble developing exactly what I wanted to find and how to properly explain that through the form of a question. It took a great deal of time and analyzing of the purpose of what I was trying to do in order for me to meet that challenge and properly manage it. I feel strong about my research question now and would love the opportunity to find the answer to the question of parent involvement and the affects it has on young children’s education. •What are some of the ways your perceptions of an early childhood professional have been modified as a result of this course? One way in which my perception of an early childhood professional has been modified as a result of this course, is my understanding of research and the importance it has on the field. Upon completion of this course, I now have a firm background and understanding of how exactly the research benefits the young children. Another way in which my perception of an early childhood professional has been modified is through the use of various research methods. Before the course, I thought there was only one way in which to perform a research study. I now have a sense of different methods and have a clear view of how each method adds to the research itself. The various methods provide an opportunity to observe the research from various standpoints.


  1. Great insight Jackie, very thoughtful and well written. I had the same reservations before at the start of the course. It is challenging but with challenges comes a better respect for the field and for what we do. All the best in your next course.

  2. Hello Jacqueline, thank you for sharing your experience. I enjoy learning about research and how it can change our understanding that related to information in our interest. Sophia
