Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Conflict Resolution

One conflict, although small, was with my colleague about the room set up.  We could not agree on where to place certain items in the classroom.  It was as though she was against change and wanted to leave everything as it was the year before.  I tried to explain to her the room didn’t flow right and it seemed crowded.  She would hear nothing of it and went about placing the furniture in the same spot as before.  I asked her again about moving things around, even offering to do it myself if she did not want to.  She said she was fine and saw no reason to change anything.

One strategy that could work in this situation would be compromise.  If we agreed on where to place certain items and leave others, we would both be happy in the situation.  We eventually agreed to get rid of a large writing desk and leave other items as they were.  We were both happy and were able to come to an agreement about the room layout.

The second strategy that may have worked would be to use a negotiation.  If I was able to move a few things around, we would leave the items she felt worked the best where they were.  It may also be been helpful to bring in an outside person to give us their opinion to help resolve the issue.  In the end, the problem was solved and both of us ended up happy with the set up.

I asked my supervisor about how they learned to be a more effective communication when it is related to conflict resolution.  Their response was to listen fully to the other person and even repeat small portions of what they said.  Once the issue is understood, they like to ask the other person how they would like to see the problem resolved.  They discuss the solution and work on a compromise to ensure that everyone is happy.  The method seems as though it works because everyone in my building is happy and never argues or disagrees with any changes that occur.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Wk 4 Communication

The one thing that surprised me the most from the assessments was the verbally aggressive test.  I was shocked to find out how I was rated and that my fiancé agreed with me.  I was not aware of how I handled different situations such as home and work.  My coworker had no problem with the way I handled situations leading me believe that I handle the situations completely different according to where I am.

One insight that I gained this week is how my approach can be taken as aggressive.  Now that I am more aware, I am able to make a concise effort on how to improve.

The second insight that I gained is in regards to undue influence.  I had never heard that term before and was unaware of how it can present.  I notice how this happens often and can affect relationships people have.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Wk 3 Communication

•Do you find yourself communicating differently with people from different groups and cultures?

I grew up in a very diverse community with people from all over the country.  I felt very comfortable within my town and school setting, never having a problem adjusting or fitting in even though I was not the same religion or culture.  From my childhood experiences, I feel as though I am very comfortable communicating with people from different groups and cultures.  It was an everyday occurrence for me growing up and has helped mold me into the person that I am.

Based on what you have learned this week, share at least three strategies you could use to help you communicate more effectively with the people or groups you have identified.

One strategy that I could use would be to look up about the different cultures I come in contact with the most.  I want to ensure that something small like eye contact is not offensive and will upset them.

Another strategy that I could utilize is repeating a small portion of what they say back to them.  By doing this, I will know if what I heard was correct and how to respond accordingly. 

The final strategy that I could use is to make sure there are no distractions when I am talking with anyone.  I hate when I am talking with someone and they take out their phone and begin texting or looking something up.  I would not want to do that to anyone, especially in a work place setting.  In order for that to be possible, I will put away any distractions such as a phone to make sure the speaker has my full attention.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Communication Wk 2

I chose to watch the show Sleepy Hollow.  I don’t like a lot of horror based movies or shows but had been hearing good things about it and decided to use this opportunity to watch it.  I first watched it with the sound off, confused by what was happening.  The two main characters seemed to be puzzled and confused a lot according to their facial expressions.  It seemed as though they were trying to solve a problem that involved another character who the one had compassion and feelings for.  After turning the sound on, I found my assumptions about the facial expressions to be right.  The two girl characters were trying to save the male figure by solving an old puzzle.  The one female character, I believe her name was Abigail, had strong feelings about the male character but only in a friendship big brother sort of way.  My assumptions were pretty accurate based on what the faces of the characters portrayed.  Had it been a less popular show or one that had just started, the concept and assumptions that I had would had been way off.  I found the nonverbal cues the characters were using such as body language and facial expressions to help tell the plot very easily.  Every seemed to be written on their faces.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Communication Wk 1

My fiancé has amazing communication skills.  He always is able to relay his message, talk with anyone, and find ways to keep a conversation going.  He demonstrates good communication skills by listening and repeating others.  He has a way of listening and showing that he is interested that makes everyone feel as though what they say is important.  Whenever we are discussing something important, he always puts things down and faces me.  I know he is listening to me and considering my feelings before he responds.  This helps make our conversations more effective, not allowing for any problems or misunderstandings to arise.   

I try to model my own communication skills after him.  He is very effective when he talks with others in his work place as well.  His boss’ love him as well as his customers.  He is able to get everything done accurately and tends to not have any disagreements with anyone.  My fiancé has shown me different ways to talk with people and how some of my actions can be misinterpreted.  I am more aware of my body language as well as how I approach a disagreement.  I try to avoid point blame and using the you statement whenever we are discussing something because that automatically puts someone up on defense mode.