Thursday, December 5, 2013

Communication and Working as a Team

The hardest group that I had to leave was back in elementary school.
We were all moving on to a new school after being in the same class
together for 2 years. We had all matured into a little family and
knew that a big change was coming. We all had strong bonds with each
other, and often worked on various projects throughout the year
together. Each of us has different relationships within the group and
felt comfortable with every member of the 5 girl click that we had
formed. It was very difficult to leave the group when the school year
ended, knowing it was never going to be the same. We all had certain
roles we played within the group, such as mine was keeping the
notebook that we all shared. It was difficult to leave the group
because we were very close. We spent a great deal of time together
throughout the school day, and were to the point where we were
finishing each other’s sentences. Having such a strong bond, we had a
clear understanding of what each member did to participate and what
they brought to the group. Each one of us had a different personality
and we worked well together.
The closing ritual was nothing major, we all hugged good bye and said
we would be in touch, unsure if it was true. We tried to maintain
contact over the summer but quickly get involved with activities or
family vacations and lost touch. It may have been better to try to
utilize a different closing ritual such as exchanging addresses and
writing letters.
Adjourning with the group of colleagues that I have formed while
working on my master’s degree will be different then in real life.
Being that everything is online; the best method may be to simply send
congratulatory messages or emails. Everyone has worked hard to reach
this stage in the program and should be proud of what not only they
have done but their colleagues as well. Being part of the group, we
must send our appreciation to those who have helped us along the way.
Adjourning is an essential stage of team work because it allows
closure. Everyone is aware that they have successfully completed the
task that they had set out to do. They were able to work together as
a team on a project and be triumphed. Without adjourning, some may
feel incomplete or lost.