Friday, November 30, 2012

Additional Resources

Early Childhood Education Resources

Position Statements and Influential Practices

Zero to Three: National Center for Infants, Toddlers, and Families. (2010). Infant-toddler policy agenda. Retrieved May 26, 2010, from

FPG Child Development Institute. (2006, September). Evidence-based practice empowers early childhood professionals and families. (FPG Snapshot, No. 33). Retrieved May 26, 2010, from

Turnbull, A., Zuna, N., Hong, J. Y., Hu, X., Kyzar, K., Obremski, S., et al. (2010). Knowledge-to-action guides. Teaching Exceptional Children, 42(3), 42-53.
Global Support for Children's Rights and Well-Being
Article: UNICEF (n.d.). Retrieved May 26, 2010, from


World Organization for Early Childhood Education
Association for Childhood Education International
Selected Early Childhood Organizations

National Association for the Education of Young Children

The Division for Early Childhood

Zero to Three: National Center for Infants, Toddlers, and Families

Harvard Education Letter

FPG Child Development Institute

Administration for Children and Families Headstart's National Research Conference

Children's Defense Fund

Center for Child Care Workforce

Institute for Women's Policy Research

National Center for Research on Early Childhood Education

National Child Care Association

National Institute for Early Education Research

Voices for America's Children

The Erikson Institute

Selected Professional Journals Available in the Walden Library

YC Young Children
Journal of Child & Family Studies
Child Study Journal
Multicultural Education
Early Childhood Education Journal
Journal of Early Childhood Research
International Journal of Early Childhood
Early Childhood Research Quarterly
Developmental Psychology
Social Studies
Maternal & Child Health Journal
International Journal of Early Years Education

Three additional resources that I found are:

This website has very good information, even books which they break down according to different age groups.

I found the Head Start information especially informative, mostly because I work for one of the programs.  It was interesting to see how they explain what the program does for the children and how it actually runs within the school.

Teaching for creativity: Examining the beliefs of early childhood teachers and their influence on teaching practices. Full Text Available By: Cheung, Rebecca Hun Ping. Australasian Journal of Early Childhood. Sep2012, Vol. 37 Issue 3, p43-51. 9p. 3 Charts.

The article, although it deals with students in Hong Kong, is very recent.  The author asks teachers questions pertaining to what they feel is good teaching methods for use in a early childhood classroom and then broke down what methods they actually used.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Influential Quotes

The two people that I found who truly made a difference in the Early Childhood Education Field were President Lyndon B. Johnson and Dr. T. Berry Brazelton.  They both impacted the field in various ways and have left lasting marks on how we teach our students.  Below are a few quotes which stuck out to me.

President Lyndon B Johnson -
Quote from a speech about the beginning of the Head Start program:
“This means that nearly half the preschool children of poverty will get a head start on their future. These children will receive preschool training to prepare them for regular school in September. They will get medical and dental.”  Working in the Head Start program and seeing how much the children are benefiting from it, it is extremely warming to know how much the program is helping them get the push that many of the students need in the right direction.

This is another quote from President Lyndon B. Johnson.  Although it does not deal with education, I felt it was important to share with my fellow women.  “The women of America represent a reservoir of talent that is still underused. It is too often underpaid, and almost always underpromoted.” (Remarks at the Federal Woman's Award Ceremony at the White House; March 2, 1965)

Dr. T. Berry Brazelton -

Quotes from Dr. T. Berry Brazelton during an interview about child’s self-esteem and development:
“Feeling loved no matter what does not fill us with illusions about how wonderful we are, but helps us to tolerate our imperfections.”  I personally feel as though this quote speaks volumes about how important it is to nurture out children, both at home and in the classroom.  We do not know exactly what their home life may be like and by us as their teacher giving them the positive encouragement that many of them crave will assist them develop properly.

One quote that I found from the media segment is by Louise Derman-Sparks; “I had a built in passion to make a real contribution to the world, to fix the injustices that existed in the world, and I wanted to do that through teaching.”  Louise knew what she wanted to do even as a child.  She may not have realized it but teaching was something that motivated her, even in play.  This quote makes me see how much teachers try to fix the world’s problems, one small classroom at a time.  By us having the passion and wisdom to help our students, we in turn are passing on knowledge that will help them become better people.

Course Media: "The Passion for Early Childhood"

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Personal Childhood Web

My Mom: Being one of the strongest women that I know, my mom has played a significant role in everything that I have done in my life.  Whenever I have felt like given up or that I had nothing going for me, she always was there to remind me of all the positive that I have.  Growing up, she made sure she did everything she could to provide for my siblings and me.  When my family passed away, my mother raised the four of us and some how made everything work.  She made sure she attended every single event we participated in and went out of her way to make sure we always had everything we needed.  She continues to amaze me with how she cares so much for her grandson and would sell the shirt off her back to ensure he has everything that he could need.  My mom has opened the door to our house multiple times to people who have needed some where to sleep and a hot meal to eat. She is my inspiration and motivation to keep going when I feel as though I can't.  Although I am one of four, she always made time to sit with me and listen to myproblems or help me with my homework.  Even now that I am working on my master's she still assists me whenever I need her.

My Fiance:

I have only been with my fiance for about 3 years but he has left a life changing mark.  We have known each other since we were about 12.  We had the same group of friends and always seemed to be around each other.  He has changed mylife in so many ways.  If it wasn't for his love and support, and slight nudging, I would have given up on my life's dream to be a teacher.  I got too comfortable in a retail job that I hated and he persisted and helped encourage me to take the chance on something new.  I currently have my job that I love and could never imagine going back to the other one.  He makes me feel special everyday when his first words to me are Good Morning Beautiful.  I know my day will be amazing when I have him in my life.

My brother: My older brother is someone look up to a great deal.  After my father passed away, he stepped in as the father figure and helped my mother do what she needed to do.  Even after he got married and moved out, he still comes over to assist us knowing that it's only a house full of women now.  When he got his license, he was more then willing to help drive us around, regardless if he had plans or not.  He goes out of his way to ask my sisters and I how were doing and if we need anything.

My Father:

My father passed away when he was only 50 years old.  It was a very tramatic experience, one that I will not forget.  I unfortunatly witnessed more then I would like and will never get those images out of my head. However, while he was here he, along with my mother, lived his life around his children.  My father worked nights to ensure that he was home during the day for us while my mother worked the day shifts.  He would pick up over time constantly to ensure that we never went without anything and would often stay up after working over night to attend a soccer game or a honor roll assembly.  He drilled into all of our heads that we needed to go to college and do better then he did. To honor him, I kept my grades up, got accepted into college, went on to graduate school, and am currently working on my second master's.  Because of him, I selected the school I went to for my undergraduate.  It has been difficult planning a wedding without him knowing he won't be there to give me away but I feel very forunate to have spent the time with him that I did.

 Brother from another mother:  My brother has a best friend that he has known since they were basically in diapers.  I consider him to be my other brother.  He has been around for all the monumental occasions and has always been there for my family.  Whenever we needed something or a ride to practice, he was always more then willing to lend a hand. He came from a very battered home life and was raised by his grandmother.  He is an inspiration for me and helps drive my desire to help my students.  He's living proof that you can succeed even when your surrounded by negativity.  Even today with my brother moved out, he still stops by to check up on us.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Week #2 quote and book title

Below I have included one of my favorite quotes about early childhood education:

"In early childhood you may lay the foundation of poverty or riches, industry of idleness, good or evil, by the habits to which you train your children. Teach them right habits then, and their future life is safe.”- Lydia Sigourney
The quote really hits home in terms of where I work.  The studnets in which I teach and from low income, poverty stricken homes.  This quote reminds me why I work so hard and strive to help them become all that they can even the short time they are in my classroom.

Below I have also included one of my favorite stories growing up as a child, There's a Wocket in my Pocket! by Dr. Seus.  i love this story, along with many others. This one stands out to me though because the items mentioned and the words he created make me laugh the most.  I get very excited being able to share this story with my students.  I love Dr. Seus and cannot think of a better time of year when we get to celebrate his birthday in school. The students, and teachers, come dressed up in their pajamas to school and wear crazy hats that we make ourselves.  The parents are also encouraged to come to school and read to their children.  The studnets love the day and especially the green eggs and ham they have for lunch!!
Below I have included a picture of my fiance and me while we were at a Beach Boy's concert over the summer.  We are currently planning our wedding and may slowly be going crazy trying to get everything done.  Not a great picture but the best one that I could find to upload and I liked.